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Nigeria : Anne Marie Imafidon, the young math prodigy turned STEM promoter for girls
Publié le 6 July 2022
Anne Marie Imafidon, originally from Nigeria, is a math prodigy who made history in England when she got her A-level at 11. In 2013, she founded “STEMettes”, a social enterprise that promotes female careers in sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). She is also a visiting professor at the University of Sunderland in England. Today, […]
Cameroon: Ingrid Etoke, a marketing specialist committed to public health
L’Oréal-Unesco Foundation rewards 5 African women scientists
Sudan: Hyam Ali, inventor of a diagnostic to detect tropical diseases
Aicha Macky, the director who tackles the ills of Nigerien society with her camera
Phyllis Kyomuhendo, the inventor fighting maternal mortality in Uganda
Dieynaba Sidibé, the graffiti artist who breaks the codes in Senegal
Cameroon: Rolande Kammogne, a success story in the media
Nigeria: Oluyemi Adetiba-Orija, the lawyer who helps prisoners get justice
Senegal: Aminata Sall Diallo, a career dedicated to the fight against hepatitis in Africa