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Cameroon: Rolande Kammogne, a success story in the media
Publié le 7 June 2022
Rolande Kammogne is the producer of one of the biggest music shows in Africa, “The Voice Afrique Francophone”, adapted from “The Voice”. The Cameroonian entrepreneur is also the founding director of the pan-African TV channel, VoxAfrica. Rolande Kammogne is an engineer in mathematics, statistics and management systems who decided to make a career in the […]
Nigeria: Oluyemi Adetiba-Orija, the lawyer who helps prisoners get justice
Senegal: Aminata Sall Diallo, a career dedicated to the fight against hepatitis in Africa
Africa Code Week, a program to introduce more girls and women to coding in Africa
Senegal: Germaine Acogny, a life for dance and choreography
Elsie Effah Kaufmann, a prominent scientist promoting STEM education in Ghana
Haweya Mohamed, the entrepreneur who connects African and European Tech
DRC: Nicholle Kobi, an illustrator who values Afro-descendant women
Sierra Leone: Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr, the mayor of Freetown who plants a million trees in her city
Tunisia: Aya Chebbi, an activist mobilized in favor of African Youth