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Headlines :

The use of implies full and unreserved acceptance of these Terms of Use.

These Terms of Use are intended to provide legal guidance on the terms and conditions of the services provided by and their use by the User.
The Terms of Use must be accepted by any User wishing to access the website. They constitute the contract between and the User. Access to the website by the User signifies its acceptance of these Terms of Use.

ARTICLE 2: LEGAL MENTIONS is a content hosted on the Internet and operated by Société d’Etudes et de Réalisations Audiovisuelles (SOREAD-2M), a Moroccan company registered on the Register of Commerce of Casablanca under number 51305 and located at Km 7,300, Route of Rabat, Ain Sebaa, 20250 Casablanca, Morocco.


  • User: This term refers to any person who uses the site or one of the services offered by the site, be it Expert or Member.
  • Expert: A woman specializing in one or more subjects, capable of producing an analysis and willing to respond to professional solicitations through the website.
  • Member: It is the User identified on the website, wanting to access the full profile of an Expert to contact her for a professional purpose.
  • User Content: It is the data transmitted by the User through the website.
  • Username and Password: It’s all the information necessary to identify a User on the site. The username and password allow the User to access the full services of the website.

To become a User, the person must have reached the age of legal majority and / or have the capacity to conclude a contract within the meaning of the law, and have accepted these General Terms of Use without any restriction.
Given the nature and purpose of the website, he must also act as a professional, for the purposes of his professional activity and commits to use the site for his professional needs exclusively. This condition is essential and decisive in this Contract.

The website allows the User free access to the services of linking people. This is an online directory listing Women Experts in a wide range of topics. The website allows especially media professionals to find the contact details of a Woman Expert to solicit a media intervention. It also allows Women Experts to get in touch with each other in order to work on common professional projects.

The website is open to the public and accessible free of charge to any User with Internet access. All costs related to access to the service (hardware, software, Internet connection, etc.) shall be supported by the User.
The unregistered User may visit and browse certain pages of without having to provide personal information. Nevertheless, he does not have access to the services reserved for Members and Experts. To do this, he must identify himself with his username and password.

The website uses all means at its disposal to ensure quality access to its services. The website does not commit to achieve this result.
Any event due to a force majeure case resulting in malfunction of the network or the server does not incur the responsibility of
Access to the website’s services may be interrupted, suspended, changed at any time without prior notice for maintenance or in any other case. The User undertakes not to claim any compensation following the interruption, suspension or modification of the present contract.

ARTICLE 6: MESSAGES AND SHARING can allow information sharing in multiple ways, including through profiles or messages
This sharing of information and content aims to foster interactions between Users, in order to increase opportunities for professional collaboration for African Women Experts. may remove any information or content at its sole discretion, with or without notice. However, the website does not have a general obligation to monitor the data and content provided by the Users nor to remove any content that would not appear to be manifestly illicit, even reported.

During the registration process on the website, the User creates a username and a password.
He is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the username and password, and remains fully responsible for all activities related to his account.
To this end, he undertakes to:
1. Immediately notify of any fraudulent use of his account or any other breach of security;
2. Ensure that he exits his account at the end of each use session.

The User agrees to use the website only to display and share appropriate data. By way of example, it accepts and undertakes not to:
– defame, abuse, harass, incite hatred or violence, stalk, intimidate, threaten or violate individual rights;
– publish, post, download, distribute or disseminate any inappropriate, vulgar, defamatory, obscene, indecent or illegal content;
– conduct surveys, polls, contests, or “snowball” programs;
– transgress laws or regulations in force in or outside Morocco, and
– infringe any of the terms or provisions of these Terms of Use.

The User agrees that the use of the contents of the website is strictly professional. Use of the content for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.

The User agrees not to modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, create derivative works, transfer or sell any information obtained from the website. Unlimited or mass reproduction, copying of content for commercial or non-commercial purposes, or unjustified modification of data and information contained on the website is not permitted.

The content of the User may be at any time and for any reason deleted or modified by the website. The User receives no justification and notification prior to the deletion or modification of the User Content.

Each User of the Site, Expert or Member, expressly accepts these Terms of Use and accepts the use by of his personal data in accordance with the legal provisions and these General Terms of Use.
Each Expert agrees to make available on the site all the information necessary for the creation of her profile, including her last name, first name, photo, email address, telephone number, biography, academic background, professional experience …
Each Member agrees to communicate all the information necessary for his registration on the website and agrees to use the personal data of the Experts only for a professional purpose and within the limits of the legal provisions and these General Terms of Use.
The User undertakes to regularly update all the information concerning his profile, in order to preserve their accuracy. Each User may at any time modify the data concerning him, which he deems useful or necessary.

The website administrators reserve the right to accept or refuse any application from an Expert or a Member. The possible rejection of an application for registration does not imply any obligation to state reasons.

The User is solely responsible for all elements of the content downloaded on the website. does not verify, endorse or guarantee the User Content or any content posted on the website. Users may be held legally liable for their content, especially when they are defamatory or protected by copyright. can not under any circumstances be held responsible for any consequences that may arise during or after the encounter or contact between Users, as a result of the use of the website.

The texts, comments, illustrations, works, trademarks, logos, signs, images and any other content reproduced or represented on the website are strictly reserved under copyright and intellectual property rights. the whole world.
Unless otherwise stated, Soread-2M has, without limitation, all intellectual property rights in the content of the website, such as source code, databases, texts, images, etc.
Any use, reproduction or total or partial representation of the contents of is strictly prohibited unless expressly authorized in advance.

ARTICLE 11: RELATIONSHIPS WITH THIRD PARTIES may contain links to other websites. These hypertext links to the other websites do not engage the responsibility of Soread-2M, as it does not exercise any control over the content of these websites.
Soread-2M is not responsible for any form of solicitation of the linked site. Soread-2M provides these links solely for the convenience of the User or as information, and the inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Soread-2M.
The User is therefore prohibited from engaging the responsibility of regarding the content and resources relating to these outgoing links.

Soread-2M reserves the right to suspend or delete a User, Expert or Member account, considering that it has not respected the Terms of Use, without obligation to notify it.
After closing a user account, Soread-2M may remove any content or elements related to its use.

Soread-2M makes every effort to provide its Users with available tools and reliable information. However, Soread-2M cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the data, information, products or services provided and the availability of these tools. Consequently, Soread-2M will not be held liable for any direct, indirect or consequential damages resulting from the use or the impossibility of using information or services provided and / or the tools made available on the site.

Similarly, Soread-2M accepts no responsibility for the inaccuracy, inadequacy or unlawfulness of the information provided by Users. In no event will the website administrators be held liable for the data, information and/or content provided by a User, whether or not they are accessible to the public, for lack of veracity of said data, information or content, errors or omissions, as well as damages resulting from the use of any content provided by a User via the website.

ARTICLE 14: MODIFICATION reserves the right to change unilaterally and at any time the content of these Terms of Use.
These Terms of Use may change at any time without prior notice to the User.
By submitting data to, the User consents to the use of his data as provided in these Terms.
Soread-2M has the right to refuse, displace or remove from the website any content found to be in breach of the law or morality and to prohibit access to the website to users whose actions violate these Terms of Use.

The information gathered on the site is the object of a treatment intended to register women experts in different fields.
The recipients of the data are the identified Members, media professionals or not, who can call on the Experts in a professional setting.
This personal information may also be used for advice and market research, anonymously and solely for statistical purposes.

In accordance with the Moroccan Law n ° 09-08 of 18 February 2009, on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data, all Users, Experts or Members, have the right to access and rectify information concerning them.
This right to access, modify, rectify and delete personal data may be exercised by sending an e-mail to ………

In accordance with the law, this data processing has been the subject of a declaration to the National Commission for the Protection of Personal Data ( under the receipt N ° … …… of … / … / 2017.

An optimal guarantee of the security and the confidentiality of the data transmitted cannot be assured by the website. However, the website undertakes to use all necessary means to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data. attaches particular importance to the security of User data and implements all appropriate technical measures to limit the risk of loss, deterioration or misuse of the data.

The User remains solely responsible for the protection against unauthorized access to his password and his computer. He is committed to selecting a strong and secure password and protecting its confidentiality. The User assumes the risks associated with the use of his username and password. The site declines all responsibility.

The liability of the site cannot be committed in case of force majeure or the unpredictable and insurmountable fact of a third party.

ARTICLE 17: COOKIES may have to use a system of “cookies”. “Cookies” are text files used to identify a computer when the User visits certain pages on the website and they are stored by the Internet browser on the computer’s hard disk. A “cookie” does not identify the User. Generally, it saves information about the computer’s navigation on the site and saves time when the User returns to the website.
In any case, the User may oppose the registration of “cookies”, by configuring his Internet browser, but this may restrict the use of

If any provision of these Terms of Use is found to be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part, such invalidity or unenforceability shall be limited to a provision or part of a provision. All other provisions of these Terms of Use remain valid.

The duration of this contract is indefinite. The contract shall have effect for the User as of the use of the service.

Moroccan legislation applies to this contract. In the absence of an amicable resolution of a dispute between the parties, only the courts of the city of Casablanca Morocco are competent.

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