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Sonna Momo Belona : «African women should use artificial intelligence to stand out»

Africa tops the list for women’s entrepreneurship. However, women’s access to digital technology is still limited. According to the International Telecommunication Union, only 19% of women have internet access in Africa. Sonna Momo Belona, a Cameroonian researcher in artificial intelligence, talks about the added value of better access to digital for women in Africa in terms of innovation and empowerment. The sayings.

Do women have easy access to digital in Africa today? 

Although we have seen an improvement in women’s access to digital over the last decade, the problem remains, especially in rural areas which represent a great economic potential in Africa. More and more, we have initiatives (educational, entrepreneurial) that support women to use digital in their daily activities. This is beneficial not only to develop female digital leaders, but also to ensure that women of the future have mentors in the field.

What about women entrepreneurship in digital today in Africa?

Women are gradually making their mark in the digital ecosystem in Africa. We have a few names that have been on the scene for a few years with projects using digital in education, health, telecommunication and even agriculture. The Covid-19 pandemic is also contributing to the inclusion of digital in women’s daily lives. Many have learned new digital-related skills such as community management, online sales and even computer programming to adapt to the current context that favours remote work.

What are the obstacles that still hinder women’s full access to digital in Africa?

The main obstacles to women’s full access to digital technology are: the lack of technical skills due to the low rate of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM); communication networks which favour under-information and access to certain opportunities as well as internet access which is very limited in rural areas, not to mention cultural mores which discriminate against women in certain professions.

How can digital technology, and artificial intelligence in particular, help promote innovation by women in Africa?  

Artificial intelligence uses all kinds of data to anticipate the future. Moreover, it can be integrated into all areas of society, which is a boon for innovation. Women are therefore called upon to use the advantages offered by this science to produce tailor-made and quality services to stand out from others and place themselves on the international scene.

How to give women their place in digital in Africa?

Three words come to mind: educate, mentor and trust women (take the risk with women). Education is necessary for skills acquisition. Mentoring women through role models is also necessary to rekindle motivation and create a healthy ecosystem for women and trust women by allowing them to access funding like their male counterparts.